Technical Papers & Presentations

Salt of the Earth: The Lithium Potential of NE BC

Presented at GeoConvention 2024


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The NEBC Lithium Formation Water Database joint study, conducted by Canadian Discovery Ltd. and Matrix Solutions Inc. for Geoscience BC, strives to deliver a lithium and other dissolved minerals and metals brine database through a large-scale sampling program undertaken in northeastern British Columbia. No such research has previously been conducted in NEBC despite similar, and in some respects more favourable, geologic conditions for the emplacement of lithium-enriched brines than in neighbouring Alberta and Saskatchewan.Extracting lithium from oilfield brines provides BC an opportunity to use its extensive oil and gas industry database and workforce to acquire this critical mineral. This project expands upon discoveries of elevated concentrations of dissolved metals (specifically lithium) in multiple geological formations in both Alberta and Saskatchewan in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.

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