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Browse Western Canada’s Largest Collection of Integrated Geoscientific Projects

Canadian Discovery Ltd.'s (CDL) Technical Studies library represents a unique and invaluable resource for the E&P industry. From full petroleum systems and basin analysis, to basin hydrogeology and petroleum migration modeling, along with unconventional resource play assessment and play-specific analysis, this collection encompasses virtually every play and area in the WCSB, Williston Basin and beyond!

All CDL and Rakhit Petroleum Consulting Ltd. (RPCL) non-confidential projects are showcased in this library. You can access studies older than five years with a CDL ONE subscription, or purchase individual studies. Contact us for details.

Recent Releases




Northern Alberta & BC


Montney Studies


Deep Basin


Central Alberta


Southern Alberta & Saskatchewan


Williston Basin Studies


Oilsands / Heavy Oil


North America


South America
