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Canadian Discovery Ltd. Announces a Deep Saline Aquifer Study for CCUS Hub Projects

CALGARY, AB, CANADA – March 3, 2022 – Canadian Discovery Ltd. (CDL) is developing a fully integrated subsurface study to help clients characterize the suitability of selected Lower Paleozoic deep saline aquifers for carbon storage in Alberta. Lower Paleozoic aquifers are often below most hydrocarbon exploration targets. The study will be delivered via an interactive, web-based Spotfire platform. The deliverables will include a stratigraphic framework, reservoir parameters, aquifer volumetric estimates and CO₂ storage capacity estimates. Initial delivery of Cambrian units is scheduled for mid-April 2022 to coincide with the formulation of individual Full Project Proposals as requested by the Government of Alberta. Additional stratigraphic intervals will be evaluated and delivered as completed.

The Deep Saline Aquifer CO₂ Sequestration Study will help clients prepare geological and engineering materials for the Government of Alberta’s Request for Full Project Proposals (RFPP) relating to Carbon Sequestration Tenure Management to be issued on March 4, 2022.

Contact Canadian Discovery Ltd. for purchase details, or visit to learn more about this study and CDL’s other CCS/CCUS projects and initiatives.

Contact Canadian Discovery Ltd.
+1 403 269 3644
500, 622 – 5 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB Canada, T2P 0M6