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Full Montney Package: Stratigraphy, Petrophysics, Hydrodynamics and OGIP

West-Central AB & Northeastern BC



September 2020

Montney, Montney
Condensate, Gas, Light Oil, Natural Gas Liquids, NGL/Condensate
West-Central AB & Northeastern BC

The Montney Formation is the leading driver for Western Canada natural gas, condensate and light oil development. However, the sheer scale and variability of the play creates a complex array of risk, reserves and returns. As the E&P industry navigates through a challenging commodity environment, asset sales and consolidation will become increasingly important. CDL's Full Montney Package is the culmination of its 30+ years of experience in the formation, and can help an operator move quickly up the Montney learning curve.

The package comprises CDL's regional tops, cross-sections and core descriptions, as well as its structure, isopach, petrophysics (effective porosity, water saturation, net reservoir, quartz, dolomite, clay), resource-in-place and geothermics mapping for our four Montney units. These data can be augmented with other datasets including hydrodynamics and gas and water chemistry from CDL's Fluids Dynamics Database. The Full Montney package can be broken up into its component parts, which can be purchased separately. 

Download the brochure for a list of deliverables or contact us to learn more.