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Milk River and Alderson Hydrogeology III

Southern AB & SK



November 2005

Southern AB & SK

In 2003 Rakhit Petroleum (RPCL) completed a groundbreaking study that addressed the geology and hydrogeology of the Milk River Formation in Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Although the Milk River had long been a target for gas exploration, it was never clearly understood what the geological and hydrogeological controls were on the emplacement and trapping of natural gas. Also, at the time of the study, the Milk River Formation was the focus of a rapidly developing new shallow gas play in the Abbey-Lacadena area of Saskatchewan. Subsequent to RPCL's report, thousands of new wells have been drilled targeting the Milk River in a variety of areas in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Many of the predictions made in the original study have proven to be valid and a number of new producing wells have come on stream. However, with an increase in the amount of data available, new problems have surfaced requiring some revisions to the geological and hydrogeological interpretation. This update provides the revised interpretation, focusses on the most active areas that have been developed since the original study and addresses some of the new problems that have arisen.