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Milk River Log Analysis

Sedalia, AB

E.R. (Ross) Crain, P.Eng., RPCL


February 2004

Sedalia, AB

This study, in the Sedalia area, fringes on the northern boundary of a regional study previously conducted. Although there is little hydrogeological data in this area, recent work has indicated Sedalia is within the region of pervasive gas charge. Subsequently, the petrophysical model was applied to 11 wells selected for this analysis. Also included are the results from a well analyzed in the previous Milk River study. This study has shown that the petrophysical techniques developed for the Milk River Formation in southern Alberta are effective in analyzing wells in the Sedalia region. Although borehole conditions in some of the wells may be contributing an optimistic reservoir estimate, porosity and pay values are good enough to justify re-drilling or re-completing a number of these wells.