348Regional CO2 EOR Study
Central AB

June 2021

Belly River, Cardium, Dunvegan, Mannville, Viking, Jurassic to Mississippian, Nisku
Bitumen, Carbon Dioxide, Heavy Oil, Light Oil, Medium Oil, Oil
The focus of this study is to analyze the oil reservoirs in Central Alberta to develop an understanding of CO2 Miscible Flood Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) opportunities. The project utilizes the 2019 Crude Oil Reserves database published by the Alberta Energy Regulator. Initial screening was performed on non-commingled pools and focused on records with Original Oil in Place (OOIP) greater than 5 MMSTB. The results were divided into primary, waterflood, and tertiary recovery groups to incorporate all necessary data efficiently. Larger commingled pools were subsequently added to identify prospects that require further investigation. Seven additional data sets were integrated with the reserves database to gather parameters required for performing CO2 storage capacity calculations. Within each pool group, multiple sets of rankings were established including potential incremental recovery, theoretical and effective CO2 storage capacity, and optimal conditions for CO2-EOR.