This geomechanical analysis is of the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks, an interval that has produced large volumes of hydrocarbons from numerous wells in this west-central Alberta study area. The analysis provides detailed results concerning Maximum Horizontal Stress (SH) and its implications for wellbore stability, natural and hydraulic fractures, drilling problems and oil production. The study provides predictions and recommendations for future drilling, completions and production in the area.
Deliverables include:
• Image logs and analysis.
• SH azimuth, Vertical Stress (Sv) and minimum horizontal stress (Sh) and pore pressure maps.
• Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), static and dynamic Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio and log-derived rock properties graphs.
The study also provides a section on model verification including a review of drilling experience covering geomechanics-related drilling and mud weight problems.