This project done jointly with Graham Davies Geological Consultants Ltd., extends the 2WS mapping done for 2WSA Phase 1 in the Pine Creek area into the Willesden Green area to the southeast. The 2WS can be a prolific producer in the Phase 2 area, as one well (12-10-44-19W5) has produced over 1,700,000 BOE, 31 wells have produced over 100,000 BOE, and 75 wells have produced over 10,000 BOE. Wells capable of producing at least 100,000 BOE occur throughout the study area from Airdrie and Crossfield in the southeast, to Pembina in the north. In this project, 34 2WS cores were examined in detail, and tops were picked for over 6'300 wells, which resulted in detailed sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization. 196 wells underwent detailed petrographic analyses, which were used to produce net reservoir, porosity, water saturation, original oil-in-place, vshale, quartz fraction, calcite fraction and dolomite fraction maps. As well, hydrodynamics, stress regime, geochemistry, geothermal history and production were studied. Other maps include isopachs, structure, and third-order residual structure.