Using our extensive subsurface knowledge and GIS capabilities, CDL has established workflows to evaluate carbon sequestration targets and answer the key questions: Is there a storage opportunity? Is the storage capacity of the CCUS opportunity large enough to sequester the CO2 in the given time frame? Is the storage opportunity suitable?
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CDL's deep understanding of depositional environments and fluid interactions in the subsurface has been our core competency for nearly 35 years and we are using this foundation to strategically deliver CCUS site identification, Deep Geothermal and Critical Mineral assessments to clients world-wide.
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The objective of this study is to develop a hydrodynamic and hydrochemical model(s) for the Viking-Bow Island sands.
Specific issues to be resolved include:
• Fingerprinting and characterizing valid formation waters in order to calculate Rw values.
• Cross-checking reported DST recoveries in order to identify mis-classified formation waters
• Determining stratigraphic trapping capacity of individual sands with particular focus on Upper Viking-Bow Island channel, shoreface and transgressive lag deposits.