Carbon Management Canada (CMC) in collaboration with the University of Calgary, has developed a comprehensive Field Research Station in Newell County in Southern Alberta for the development and advancement of monitoring technologies for verification of secure CO2 storage. Some examples of geophysical and geochemical techniques will be illustrated in the presentation and what will be required to monitor large-scale CO2 hubs as they get established in Alberta and elsewhere.
Don Lawton is Carbon Management Canada’s (CMC) Director of Science, and today is responsible for leading research into improved monitoring technologies for secure geological carbon storage. As the Director of Science, Don had a vision for a research facility where measurement and monitoring equipment could be developed and demonstrated. Today, his dream is a reality, taking place at our Newell County Facility.
Don is a highly regarded expert; he was awarded the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) Medal in 2000, received Honorary Membership in CSEG in 2014 and is the Associate Director of the Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology (CREWES). Today his research interests include acquisition, processing and interpretation of multicomponent seismic data, seismic anisotropy, integrated geophysical and geological studies in complex geological settings, and in advancing monitoring methods for the geological storage of CO2