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The Mannville

Industry experts monitoring this highly-rewarding play since its inception.

Featured Study

The Clearwater has rapidly emerged as one of the top oil plays in the WCSB. The fairway spans 400 km of north-central Alberta, from Jarvie through Marten Hills to Golden. Clearwater operators have now drilled 1,300 laterals that are producing over 23,500 bopd. Shallow depths, high storage and low cost multi-lateral pad drilling provide top tier economics.

In April 2020, CDL completed the Clearwater Regional Hydrodynamics and Reservoir Study encompassing T59 to T92, R18W4 to R19W5, to advance the understanding, reduce the risk and provide perspective on new exploration fairways of this oil play.

Explore the CDL Blog and our Technical Papers and Presentations to learn more about the Mannville, or contact us to discuss exclusive consultancy and consortia options.

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