Technical Papers & Presentations

Assessment of Pressure Interference in Alberta's Proposed Carbon Storage Hubs

Presenting at Carbon Capture Canada


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The Basal Cambrian Sand has multiple Hubs being evaluated with Sequestration Lease Areas (SLAs) that will share common boarders. Projects will be designed to contain the CO2 plumes within the SLA, but the area of elevated pressure will commonly be larger. The resulting pressure interference creates uncertainty on injectivity and storage capacity for each SLA as the various Hubs compete to utilize the pore space regional aquifer. SLA's and their relative impacts on CO2 injectivity and storage capacity are not only crucial for successful deployment of CCS projects but also will have a wider application when modeling of nearby resource production operations (oil and/or mineral). Implementing the accurate prediction of these offset pressure plumes will make the monitoring of pressure conformance and containment considerably easier to reconcile with the predictions for future assessments and project development.

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