Technical Papers & Presentations

Montney Development Through Time: Evolution of an Oil and Gas Giant

Presenting at CEGA GUSSOW


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The Montney formation has been the target of oil and gas exploration since the 1960s, and with 2023 being its most active year since 2017, the formation continues to attract the drill bit and M&A activity. With long-running BC land issues at least partially resolved, and the completion of the Coastal Link pipeline in sight, we are likely to see increased levels of market activity into the future. This presentation will follow the history of the Montney from the development of conventional sandstone and dolostone reservoirs in the 1960s, 70s and ‘80s through the development of distal siltstones starting in 2005, where advances in horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing made it possible to economically develop the Montney’s extensive unconventional resource.

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